
  1. New Year

    I’m reflecting on the past year, which is probably the same thing that you’ve been doing. I was noticing everyone talking about kicking 2020 to the curb and hoping for a better year. My husband and I had a conversation about how we had felt about the past year. Seemed we agreed that in spite of […]

  2. Just Breathe

    It’s the times we’re living in. Many days it seems overwhelming. Often I feel like I’m waiting to wake up and then I realize I am awake. The negativity, the fear, the stories being told. The stories that aren’t being told and need to be. Who to listen to. Who and what to trust. You know […]

  3. Zack Bush, MD

      For years I’ve been talking to people about gut health and the gut-brain axis. Quite frankly most people don’t see/believe the link because it’s so far out from what we hear from allopathic medicine. Luckily that’s slowly changing, as more and more research is being done to support the importance of this axis. But […]

  4. I am not afraid

    I’m finding it interesting that a song known as the unofficial anthem of the labour and civil rights movement has been stuck in my head for over a month. Lets face it there’s a lot going on “out there” right now. Lots of finger pointing, lots of fear, lots of information from so many different […]

  5. Point of Referrence

    I remember when my Father passed away. It was sudden so no time to process. My sisters and I joked, because humour is always helpful in these situations, that a heads up would have been nice. I remember feeling like everything had changed. Everything. I felt like a different person as I navigated and wrestled […]

  6. It’s February and I’m talking about heart health!

    Here we go… Eat well: Eating a healthy, balanced diet can help manage your weight, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, all important for heart health. Eat a wide variety of healthy fruits, vegetables and omega-3  essential fatty acids, while limiting sugar and refined foods. Consider adding more plant based meals to your weekly menu, your body, […]

  7. I felt like I would die, if she did

    I remember that feeling when my sister was battling cancer. And then she did…but I didn’t…. Those memories return to me as our tiny town mourns. A young man is lost, a man I never met but I still feel the sadness that lies like a blanket over our community. Shock Disbelief Saddness Grief We […]

  8. I’m coming out

    I am a network marketer… There, I said it and it feels good! I’ve been involved with this one company for over four years. I love the company, the community and the product. However, I’ve still been a bit shy, for lack of a better word, to fully embrace the business model. And say those words… […]

  9. Molly’s Fudge

    For years my sister Molly would make fudge at Christmas time, along with other goodies, and gift them to family and friends. Seriously, her fudge was the best I’d ever tasted, although admittedly, I’m no expert. Still this was her “thing” that she did every year and everyone looked forward to it. So when I […]

  10. Founders Day Weekend

    I always, always, wait until the last minute to write. I’m a procrastinator, which doesn’t help the fact that I totally forgot abut my newsletter. Not a good thing….and since I’m being totally transparent, I write about whatever I feel moved to write about. Most of the time…no plan… Plus it doesn’t take much to […]